Microcontrollers Roadmap

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Lattice Semiconductor

Microchip Technology

Microchip produces microcontrollers with 3 very different architectures:

8-bit (8-bit data bus) PICmicro, with a single accumulator (8 bits):

  • PIC10 and PIC12: 12-bit instruction words
  • PIC16 series: 14-bit instruction words, one address pointer ("indirect register pair")
    • PIC16F628 (Replacement for very popular but discontinued PIC16F84)
    • PICAXE
  • PIC18 series: 16-bit instruction words, three address pointers ("indirect register pairs")

16-bit (16-bit data bus) microcontrollers, with 16 general-purpose registers (each 16-bit)

32-bit (32-bit data bus) microcontrollers:


soft microprocessor
